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GoldenDict for Android

Mobile version discussion

GoldenDict for Android

Postby C2BlEv » Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:31 am

GoldenDict is now available for Android. Yey!!! It is a full-featured dictionary application that you can find in the Android Market in two versions:

1. Free (supported by ads, only 5 dictionaries can be used at the same time): ...

2. Paid Version (no ads, no limitation on the number of dictionaries): ...

Please consider supporting GD by leaving a positive review in the Android Market.

Note that after the installation but before using GD on your Android device, you need to place one or more dictionaries (GD does not come with any) in the folder called "GoldenDict" on the SD card (/mnt/sdcard/GoldenDict).

Also note that on some Android devices (e.g. on Xoom), "sdcard" is actually points to internal storage, while an external SD card is called "external1" (so, place dictionaries in the GoldenDict folder in the internal "sdcard").
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Postby Nicolas Raoul » Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:01 am


I am Nicolas Raoul from the AnkiDroid project. One of our users wants to add lookup for GoldenDict:

Is there a word/expression lookup intent that we can use?
Here is a protocol that many dictionary makers have agreed on, so you might want to use it:

By the way, is the Android GoldenDict app open source?

Nicolas Raoul
Nicolas Raoul
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Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:54 am

Re: GoldenDict for Android

Postby ikm » Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:13 am

Nicolas Raoul wrote:Is there a word/expression lookup intent that we can use?
Here is a protocol that many dictionary makers have agreed on, so you might want to use it:

Right now ColorDict's interface is supported. As for the link you've given me, I don't see any exact protocol there, just a discussion. Could you point me to something more specific?

Nicolas Raoul wrote:By the way, is the Android GoldenDict app open source?

No, it's not. The desktop version is.
Автор GoldenDict
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Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:40 am

Re: GoldenDict for Android

Postby Nicolas Raoul » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:54 am

Thanks for the prompt reply!

Another question: is there any possibility to choose the search dictionary via intent?

Nicolas Raoul
Nicolas Raoul
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Re: GoldenDict for Android

Postby ikm » Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:46 am

No. I'd love to have a way for it, though. Any thoughts on which Intent should be supported/adopted?
Автор GoldenDict
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Re: GoldenDict for Android

Postby Nicolas Raoul » Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:24 am

ikm wrote:Any thoughts on which Intent should be supported/adopted?

Here is a sample appplication that does exactly this: IndiclashDictionaryApp

Note how the source code uses sourceLanguage and targetLanguage.
Implementing this intent is simple and would ensure GoldenDict works with AnkiDroid (and other flashcard apps).

Another thing you might want to implement:
After a user looks up for a word in GoldenDict, she might want to add the word to her list of flashcards (using AnkiDroid or another flashcards app). Here is sample source code for this other use case.

Nicolas Raoul
Nicolas Raoul
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Re: GoldenDict for Android

Postby ikm » Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:51 am

Nicolas Raoul wrote:Here is a sample appplication that does exactly this: IndiclashDictionaryApp

How do I fire up this intent from AnkiDroid? In program's preferences I see options for Aedict, and ColorDict.
Автор GoldenDict
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Re: GoldenDict for Android

Postby Nicolas Raoul » Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:34 am

ikm wrote:In program's preferences I see options for Aedict, and ColorDict.

Just choose "ColorDict". In the latest beta it has been corrected to "ColorDict/GoldenDict":
Nicolas Raoul
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Re: GoldenDict for Android

Postby powermetal114 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:54 pm


I'm testing at the moment your software. It's realy great, nevertheless I have the following problem. I have many bgl-files. Some of them can be recognized on my android device(Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 N) but most of them not. I have to mention that they work with babylon without any problem on my PC. I realy would buy this software if I could install all my bgl-dictionayries on it. Would you please give me a hint how to solve the problem?

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Re: GoldenDict for Android

Postby kammerer » Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:18 pm

Do you support PopUp ColorDict style:

intent.putExtra(EXTRA_FULLSCREEN, false); //
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_HEIGHT, 400); //400pixel, if you don't specify, fill_parent"
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_GRAVITY, Gravity.BOTTOM);
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MARGIN_LEFT, 100);?
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