vjjustin wrote:Most changes are linux related, but no linux builds? (It would have been better if (like in win ver.) we had something like an executable that could be replaced with the early builds)
Distributing binaries for Linux is a tricky business, there are way too many options/configurations/kernels/libraries, etc. It is just much, much easier to compile GD from sources. On most Linux systems one just needs to have all the necessary libraries and then execute 'qmake', and then 'make'. That's it.
vjjustin wrote:I see that when we start GD for the first time there is a notification which tells the number of dictionaries installed and the total number of defenitions etc. But only for a short time and is not repeated (and hence is very easy to miss). A really nice feature, but I think it will be better if it was something like a label within the Welcome page (either at the top or at the bottom) that can be viewed/checked again.
Good idea, please file it in the issue tracker so that it is not forgotten.
vjjustin wrote:Since we are at it, the welcome page mostly reads like a help file than a welcome page (Or something like a tool tip that is visible only the first time we run the application). I think we can add the 'how to add dictionary' info. into that space and put others into a help file or something (or as a tooltip for the first time as I said but thats more work, I guess) and link to that help file from the welcome page.
The main problem is that the Welcome page needs to be translated to all languages, and as soon as we modify it even a little, the content and the translation go out of sync. Assuming that the translations are not quickly updated that means that in the most languages users will see English version, not the translated one.
Having said that I'd prefer to have some kind of online documentation first, and then we could just provide a link to it from the GoldenDict Welcome page, rather than trying to have up-to-date help-like info in the GD itself (with incomplete translations for the most localizations).
vjjustin wrote:Lets clean up the documentation first for GD. And here is the deal, if you guys are okay, I will try to come up with a first draft doc. with basic instructions, how tos, etc., that can be included with GD, please let me know your thoughts.
I think that it would be awesome to have some kind of official online Help for Goldendict!
Currently, all we have is the following:
http://goldendict.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page -- The old wiki with some useful (but outdated info).
https://github.com/goldendict/goldendict/wiki/_pages - a couple of useful pages on the new wiki.
I think that the most appropriate format for the new/updated Help would be Wiki pages on GitHub, so that everyone could contribute if they wish.