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could not start GoldenDict after power was cut

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could not start GoldenDict after power was cut

Postby romanivanov » Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:54 pm

Case Ubuntu 9.10 + GoldenDict 0.9.0+svn (from ubuntu repository):
1. GoldenDict is launched and used
2. Cut power to PC (or any other way unexpectedly switch off the GoldenDict..)
3. After PC restart, try to run GoldenDict
Out put is "Another GoldenDict copy started already."

Problem was in presence of /home/USERNAME/.goldendict/pid

Workaround: remove /home/USERNAME/.goldendict/pid manually, and run again.

Expected: Check whether pid file locked, and process removal of old pid file, or any other reasonable and clear behavior for not experienced users.
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Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:32 pm

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