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New user question on configure hotkey for translating a word

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New user question on configure hotkey for translating a word

Postby ychangu » Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:54 am

Dear GoldenDict,

I installed GoldenDict-1.0.1-1 on a PC running 64bit Windows 10. I installed a website dicitionary using %GDWORD% for searching a term in the website dictionary. However, as I press just Ctrl+C instead of all of Ctrl+C+C, a pop window with a search result shows up. I tried configuring the hotkey for translating a word from clipboard under Preference, but when I change the hotkey to one that does not start with Ctrl+C such as Ctrl+Alt+S, a search result in a pop up window does not update with the term being selected. Please help to fix this problem. Thank you.

Best regards,

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:34 am

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