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Goldendict stopped and doesn't start anymore, Samsung Galaxy

Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:49 pm
by calivernon
Hello and happy new year everyone,
I am using Goldendict on a Samsung Galaxy 3 tablet but few days ago it crashed and now I can't use it anymore.
I don't know how to do, how to restart it?
I may uninstall and reinstall Goldendict but do I have to pay again or is it connected to my Google account?
Thank you.
Re: Goldendict stopped and doesn't start anymore, Samsung Ga

Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:45 pm
by C2BlEv
Have you restarted your tablet (not just the program but the whole Android OS)?
Yes, once you purchase something at the Play Store, the purchase remains linked to your account. You may uninstall and reinstall it without paying more.
Re: Goldendict stopped and doesn't start anymore, Samsung Ga

Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:40 am
by dg333
I had problems some time ago on a Huawei tablet, which were related to the number/volume of DSL dictionaries I tried to add to GoldenDict. If this is your case, reinstalling won’t help. Thus, try to reduce the number of dictionaries or even remove them from the memory and add one by one.
Re: Goldendict stopped and doesn't start anymore, Samsung Ga

Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:38 am
by calivernon
Thank you it works again!
I think it's because of the latest update of android, so I have clear goldendict data,
remove some dictionaries (I had probably too many because it was slow) and then reboot the tablet and now it's alright.
Thank you guys,
Bye bye and Happy new year!