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how to enable direct match search only in GoldenDict Windows

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how to enable direct match search only in GoldenDict Windows

Postby verge9 » Fri May 13, 2016 8:26 am


I would like to enable direct match search only in GoldenDict Windows. I know this is the current implementation in GoldenDict Android and I would like to have the same in Windows. It seems that the culprit for this is doumented in the the Changelog for GoldenDict 0.8.0 which says:

When headwords contain multiple words, each of them is indexed now. This, together with the punctuation and whitespace folding, and a new rank-based sorting algorithm gives a completely different feeling when typing in inquiries. It's now possible to see not only direct matches, but also different phrases involving the word, different word combinations which are close to the inquiry, and so on."

With this implementation, I find that the other searches in this case only confuses me and it also cuases my computer to hang a little.

So I want to disable that feature allowing 'different phrases involving the word, different word combinations which are close to the inquiry" and allow only direct match searches as in GoldenDict Android. Anyone knows how to do this? Or should I make a feature request?

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