Sample file for supported DSL features
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:33 am
GoldenDict does not support all DSL features yet. I have written a small DSL file that shows which features are supported and how to use them.
You can put is with your other dictionaries, and see its contents by searching for "sample entry".
BTW, I have tried to upload it as an attachment, but I get a message "The extension dsl is not allowed". I tried to change the extension to .txt with the same result.
GoldenDict does not support all DSL features yet. I have written a small DSL file that shows which features are supported and how to use them.
You can put is with your other dictionaries, and see its contents by searching for "sample entry".
BTW, I have tried to upload it as an attachment, but I get a message "The extension dsl is not allowed". I tried to change the extension to .txt with the same result.
- Code: Select all
#NAME "Sample dictionary"
sample entry
sample {unsorted part} card
{the }sample headword
I love this \~. • I love this ~. (The tilde replaces the first headword.)
{{This is a comment which
should be invisible.}}
\{{This is a comment which
should be invisible.\}}
\[b\]bold text\[/b\] • [b]bold text[/b]
\[i]italics\[/i] • [i]italics[/i]
\[u]underlined text\[/u] • [u]underlined text[/u]
CO\[sub]2\[/sub] • CO[sub]2[/sub] • subscript
e=mc\[sup]2\[/sup] • e=mc[sup]2[/sup] • superscript
[m9]\[m9] - sets the left paragraph margin to 9 spaces The corresponding closing tag of the paragraph is. \[/m][/m]
\[ex]example\[/ex] • [ex]example[/ex]
\[s]balkenschuh.jpg\[/s] • [s]balkenschuh.jpg[/s] • multimedia zone (used to add pictures or sound files into a dictionary entries ).
\[p]v.\[/p] • [p]v.[/p] • labels are shown in a different colour
\[ref]ace\[/ref] [ref]ace[/ref] • \<<planet\>> <<planet>> • hyperlink to another card.
\[url]\[/url] • [url][/url] link to a Web page
\[c blue]Blue text\[/c] • [c blue]Blue text[/c]
Supported colour names:
[c aliceblue]aliceblue[/c]
[c antiquewhite]antiquewhite[/c]
[c aqua]aqua[/c]
[c aquamarine]aquamarine[/c]
[c azure]azure[/c]
[c beige]beige[/c]
[c bisque]bisque[/c]
[c blanchedalmond]blanchedalmond[/c]
[c blue]blue[/c]
[c blueviolet]blueviolet[/c]
[c brown]brown[/c]
[c burlywood]burlywood[/c]
[c cadetblue]cadetblue[/c]
[c chartreuse]chartreuse[/c]
[c chocolate]chocolate[/c]
[c coral]coral[/c]
[c cornflowerblue]cornflowerblue[/c]
[c cornsilk]cornsilk[/c]
[c crimson]crimson[/c]
[c cyan]cyan[/c]
[c darkblue]darkblue[/c]
[c darkcyan]darkcyan[/c]
[c darkgoldenrod]darkgoldenrod[/c]
[c darkgray]darkgray[/c]
[c darkgreen]darkgreen[/c]
[c darkkhaki]darkkhaki[/c]
[c darkmagenta]darkmagenta[/c]
[c darkolivegreen]darkolivegreen[/c]
[c darkorange]darkorange[/c]
[c darkorchid]darkorchid[/c]
[c darkred]darkred[/c]
[c darksalmon]darksalmon[/c]
[c darkseagreen]darkseagreen[/c]
[c darkslateblue]darkslateblue[/c]
[c darkslategray]darkslategray[/c]
[c darkturquoise]darkturquoise[/c]
[c darkviolet]darkviolet[/c]
[c deeppink]deeppink[/c]
[c deepskyblue]deepskyblue[/c]
[c dimgray]dimgray[/c]
[c dodgerblue]dodgerblue[/c]
[c firebrick]firebrick[/c]
[c floralwhite]floralwhite[/c]
[c forestgreen]forestgreen[/c]
[c fuchsia]fuchsia[/c]
[c gainsboro]gainsboro[/c]
[c ghostwhite]ghostwhite[/c]
[c gold]gold[/c]
[c goldenrod]goldenrod[/c]
[c gray]gray[/c]
[c green]green[/c]
[c greenyellow]greenyellow[/c]
[c honeydew]honeydew[/c]
[c hotpink]hotpink[/c]
[c indianred]indianred[/c]
[c indigo]indigo[/c]
[c ivory]ivory[/c]
[c khaki]khaki[/c]
[c lavender]lavender[/c]
[c lavenderblush]lavenderblush[/c]
[c lawngreen]lawngreen[/c]
[c lemonchiffon]lemonchiffon[/c]
[c lightblue]lightblue[/c]
[c lightcoral]lightcoral[/c]
[c lightcyan]lightcyan[/c]
[c lightgoldenrodyellow]lightgoldenrodyellow[/c]
[c lightgreen]lightgreen[/c]
[c lightgrey]lightgrey[/c]
[c lightpink]lightpink[/c]
[c lightsalmon]lightsalmon[/c]
[c lightseagreen]lightseagreen[/c]
[c lightskyblue]lightskyblue[/c]
[c lightslategray]lightslategray[/c]
[c lightsteelblue]lightsteelblue[/c]
[c lightyellow]lightyellow[/c]
[c lime]lime[/c]
[c limegreen]limegreen[/c]
[c linen]linen[/c]
[c magenta]magenta[/c]
[c maroon]maroon[/c]
[c mediumaquamarine]mediumaquamarine[/c]
[c mediumblue]mediumblue[/c]
[c mediumorchid]mediumorchid[/c]
[c mediumpurple]mediumpurple[/c]
[c mediumseagreen]mediumseagreen[/c]
[c mediumslateblue]mediumslateblue[/c]
[c mediumspringgreen]mediumspringgreen[/c]
[c mediumturquoise]mediumturquoise[/c]
[c mediumvioletred]mediumvioletred[/c]
[c midnightblue]midnightblue[/c]
[c mintcream]mintcream[/c]
[c mistyrose]mistyrose[/c]
[c moccasin]moccasin[/c]
[c navajowhite]navajowhite[/c]
[c navy]navy[/c]
[c oldlace]oldlace[/c]
[c olive]olive[/c]
[c olivedrab]olivedrab[/c]
[c orange]orange[/c]
[c orangered]orangered[/c]
[c orchid]orchid[/c]
[c palegoldenrod]palegoldenrod[/c]
[c palegreen]palegreen[/c]
[c paleturquoise]paleturquoise[/c]
[c palevioletred]palevioletred[/c]
[c papayawhip]papayawhip[/c]
[c peachpuff]peachpuff[/c]
[c peru]peru[/c]
[c pink]pink[/c]
[c plum]plum[/c]
[c powderblue]powderblue[/c]
[c purple]purple[/c]
[c red]red[/c]
[c rosybrown]rosybrown[/c]
[c royalblue]royalblue[/c]
[c saddlebrown]saddlebrown[/c]
[c salmon]salmon[/c]
[c sandybrown]sandybrown[/c]
[c seagreen]seagreen[/c]
[c seashell]seashell[/c]
[c sienna]sienna[/c]
[c silver]silver[/c]
[c skyblue]skyblue[/c]
[c slateblue]slateblue[/c]
[c slategray]slategray[/c]
[c snow]snow[/c]
[c springgreen]springgreen[/c]
[c steelblue]steelblue[/c]
[c tan]tan[/c]
[c teal]teal[/c]
[c thistle]thistle[/c]
[c tomato]tomato[/c]
[c turquoise]turquoise[/c]
[c violet]violet[/c]
[c wheat]wheat[/c]
[c white]white[/c]
[c whitesmoke]whitesmoke[/c]
[c yellow]yellow[/c]