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Better support for touch screens / tablets

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Better support for touch screens / tablets

Postby elc00l » Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:08 pm


I've been using GoldenDict for really long time already and I think it's great piece of software. Especially when Full text search functionality were introduced not so long time ago.
However when I recently started to use it on my tablet with Windows 8.1 where I don't have physical keyboard available so I can't use 'Ctrl + C + C' shortcut and only touchscreen can be used, I encountered some limitations. I would like to be able to translate words copied to clipboard in a faster way, for example during reading PDF file in Adobe Reader Metro or any other Metro UI application. Currently the only possible and time-consuming way to do this is:
1) copy a word to clipboard via context menu in any application
2) go to Desktop mode with opened Goldendict window (this is done by gesture so it's quite fast)
3) open context menu on the search field
4) select 'Paste'
5) then select a word from the list of words which appears
and only then I can see a translation. You can imagine how much time it takes to translate only a single word, because of the amount of clicks which have to be done and they have to be done precisely what is not so easy with big fingers on small screen :)

That's why I would like to ask for some better support of touch screens for users which are using tablets.
Of course the best would be if I could get a pop up window with translation not only by using 'Ctrl + C + C' shortcut (like it is implemented right now) but also by simple 'Copy' from context menu inside any application. So Goldendict would have to monitor Clipboard the whole time probably. It would be the fastest way I think but I'm not sure if it is doable.
The easiest solution for the very beginning in my opinion would be to add a separate 'Paste' button on the Goldendict toolbar which would do following actions: activate search field + paste text content of the clipboard + automatically press enter so you don't have to choose the word from the list. It would save so many clicks that I think it would be enough for me :) Is it possible to implement something like that, please?

Has anyone already encountered similar problems to mine? Maybe some solution already exists and I'm not aware of it, then please share your thoughts :)

Thank you
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Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:30 pm

Re: Better support for touch screens / tablets

Postby Abs62 » Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:33 pm

Maybe the clipboard tracking will be applicable here. See "Preferences" chapter in GD help (Options adjustable via config file, "trackClipboardChanges" parameter).
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Re: Better support for touch screens / tablets

Postby elc00l » Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:11 pm

Abs62 wrote:Maybe the clipboard tracking will be applicable here. See "Preferences" chapter in GD help (Options adjustable via config file, "trackClipboardChanges" parameter).

This is exactly what I was looking for! Even though in Metro UI application pop up window doesn't show but after selecting option to send translated word to main window in automatic scanning section, it is just enough to make one gesture from left to right to switch between ie. Adobe reader and Goldendict in Desktop mode (and then back). Thank you very much for suggestion.
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Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:30 pm

Re: Better support for touch screens / tablets

Postby hao371269498 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:09 am

I'm using win8.1 tablet and I couldn't scroll down by using my finger. How could you solve that problem?
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Re: Better support for touch screens / tablets

Postby Abs62 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:12 am

hao371269498 wrote:I'm using win8.1 tablet and I couldn't scroll down by using my finger. How could you solve that problem?

What GD version do you use?
Posts: 631
Joined: Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:51 am

Re: Better support for touch screens / tablets

Postby hao371269498 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:55 pm

I'm using the latest one . It allows me using two fingers to scrll down or up by touching the screen. But I wish I can scroll down by using only one finger
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:54 am

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