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Web TTS function?

General discussion

Web TTS function?

Postby downloaderfan » Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:25 am

I found about goldendict a few days ago while searching for my dictionary needs and found it very convenient.
I was looking for audio pronunciation features for Goldendict,I found Forvo but the recordings aren't that great.
I came across this website: ... =&ie=UTF-8

which shows GoldenDict with WebTTS functionality.However the version of GoldenDict i have doesn't have this feature.I don't seem to understand anything that the website says as I'm very new to all this.

I would like to use certain websites for audio pronunciations.

So can I enable it somehow?
Was that feature in an older version of GoldenDict?
How can I get it?

Thanks in advance..

Using GoldenDict in Windows 7
GoldenDict version 1.5.0-RC-224-g8644ef0
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:13 am

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