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Translation Memory Use for GoldenDict Localizations

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Translation Memory Use for GoldenDict Localizations

Postby berdymurad » Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:14 am

I would like to advise some users regarding possibility of Translation Memory (TM) use for example for localizing GoldenDict, exporting TM, creating glossaries, termbases etc. I have tried SDL Trados Studio 2011 for translation of PO files for upcoming GoldenDict version in Turkmen using QT Linguist (see also the topic - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2419&start=10 ). PO file format can be used instead of TS in QT Linguist and it is better supported by text editor of SDL Trados, therefore I used it. Software for using TM is often called CAT and it can help accelerate and improve technical translation enormously. SDL Trados is one of the best-known and powerful CAT in the world of professional translation. Some translators hate it because of poor support and tendency to monopolize CAT market, but few doubt the quality of this CAT. Here is what I did with SDL Trados Studio 2011:

I just opened a separate project for goldendict translation, created a New type of file based upon .txt text file and gave it .po extension name (Project Settings / File Types / New). Then in the same menu, Document Structure for the new PHP file settings, I entered
for Opening pattern: msgstr "

for Closing pattern: "

After that I was able to instruct SDL to only show the parts of PO file to be translated in Editor. Of course,I had to find TMs for english-turkmen translators, as there were none out there, I had to develop my own TMs . That took more than 2 months. In your case, hopefully, you can find TMs in your language much faster. Once you survive through this cumbersome process of setting CAT, the tool will drastically speed your translation workflow. In my case, productivity increased by about 40% while improving consistency of translation. I attached some settings for the project and sample files in case you cannot figure out the complicated settings.

For those who cannot expensive CAT there is a hope:s a wonderful open-source CAT called OmegaT. Unfortunately I am not closely familiar with this program but I heard it is not much worse than Trados or other commerical products and it is constantly improving. Please check:
file setting for goldendict - sdl
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Last edited by berdymurad on Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:30 am

Re: Translation Memory Use for GoldenDict Localizations

Postby dg333 » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:08 am

berdymurad wrote:For those who cannot expensive CAT there is a hope:s a wonderful open-source CAT called OmegaT.

Yes, OmegaT is really wonderful, but currently it has no filter for the GD localization file format. I failed to find the format description so that I could file a request of its support.
Posts: 117
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:50 am

Re: Translation Memory Use for GoldenDict Localizations

Postby Ralex » Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:52 pm

You should try this tool also: It is very useful for software translators. It has a solid translation memory system and also the possibility of selecting a reference language. It has github integration and many other useful features.
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Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:32 pm

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