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Feature requests: better Search on page and Perma-highlights

General discussion

Feature requests: better Search on page and Perma-highlights

Postby francesinha » Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:16 pm

Hello everyone,

I'd like to request a few improvements of the 'Search on page' feature if that's okay?

It would be really cool if it could:
* highlight everything it finds by default (like Opera does for example)
* loop
* display the number of results it found (so you know if you want to look at all of them or if there are too many)
* as the text by default in the search box, have the text you typed in the search field and not the entire text of the particular headword you clicked
* or: not reset the text you searched last, even after you load a new page, that could be nice too

I think perma-highlights would also be pretty useful to find what you're looking for more quickly, especially in long dictionary entries when grammatical categories are not separated as they should be. Here's a bad example, but it will serve:

I know what you're gonna tell me: if you're looking for a verb, Ctrl+F "verb"! Except verbs can be coded as verb, v., vb, verbe, verbo, etc, so having all the different possibilities pre-recorded in Goldendict would be much faster. Ideally I would like a dozen different colors and 15 slots in each color that we would fill in through the config file?

Okay, I have no idea how hard or easy all that would be to implement... Except the 'Highlight all selected by default' one, that one must be pretty easy, right? Could we get that one at least?

Thanks for listening! :D
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Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:33 pm

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