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Stardict format displayed oddly: Oxford English Learners

Mobile version discussion

Stardict format displayed oddly: Oxford English Learners

Postby john_kaufi » Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:33 pm

I am a long-term user and have bought the mobile version a long time ago. I love GoldenDict.

There are some StarDict files of important dictionaries that are not displayed correctly on GoldenDict for Android, but on the desktop version they render nicely. Two of these files are:

Oxford English Advanced Learners 8th ed.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary 2nd ed.

You can find those files here:

Other StarDict files render perfectly on both the mobile and the desktop versions:

Larousse Compact (définitions)
Larousse Chambers English-French
Larousse Chambers français-anglais
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