Hi everyone, I have been using Goldendict for long time and appreciate a lot it's speed. But when I'm searching word one thing keeps bothering me. Say that I get 5 dictionnaries for french and the answer I want is in the 5th dict. I would have to scroll the dict content to the top before I can do another research. It's very time-consuming and annoying. One would say that we can use the 'jump to' funcntion to go to the top but still it's a great problem.
Another problem not so annoying but kinda troublesome that when I do a search in certain dict and after sometime want to do another one, the search content is still there and I have to remove it before another search.
Last little suggestion is about the scan pop-up, if there is a little button to go back to the pdf reader it would really be nice. Or you can move the back button to right coz it's more comfortable and easy to press for right-handed users(which is the majority).
In spite of all these little troubles Goldendict is still the best android app by far! (although the Bluedict is also not bad but it's dics are not well-made and display issues are a little bit overwhelming...)
For those who encounter the same problem as me:
1, Remap your virtual key configuration
2, Use some virtual button bar app(more efficient than the system bar now hided for good by me)