See changelog for details.
Binaries are available for 32-bit Windows and 32-bit x86 Linux. The source is available as well.
- 32-bit Windows installer, 13MB - just run it to install the program. It includes English/Russian/German morphologies, but no local dictionaries, which are to be downloaded
elsewhere. Wikipedia and websites would still work, though.
- 32-bit Windows En-Ru-En installer, 72MB -
this one in addition to the program itself has two dictionaries (Apresyan En-Ru and Smirnitskiy Ru-En), English word pronunciations
(WyabdcRealPeopleTTS converted to .lsa format) and English/Russian/German morphologies inside. It allows
trying out the program instantly without searching for any dictionary content. If you are upgrading from the previous version, do a
complete uninstall first, otherwise the program won't automatically use the content.
- 32-bit x86 Linux tar.bz2 archive, 12MB - untar it to any directory and run script there.
Since at the moment of the release the Qt 4.5 library still isn't widely deployed, it is bundled there locally (taken from the Debian binary releases), but some other libraries might still be missing. Check the output and install any
extras it would require. Those are at least libvorbisfile,
libhunspell and libxtst.
- Source code for Linux, 440K - for those who want to build the program themselves.
This version is meant for Linux builds, it doesn't have any unneeded winlibs bundled. Consult 'Building the latest version from
source' instructions below, as the process is similar. If you use Qt 4.5.3 or higher, please use the latest Git version instead to avoid crashes.
- Source code for Windows, 2,8MB - for those who want to build the program themselves.
This version contains all third-party libraries in compiled form inside to ease Windows builds. Consult 'Building the latest version from
source' instructions below, as the process is similar.
- En-Ru-En content, 62MB - En-Ru-En content for Linux people, see description above.
If you use precompiled version, untar it to the program's directory. If you've built the binary yourself, untar it to /usr/local/share/apps/goldendict instead.
Again, remove any previous program configuration if you want the content to be hooked up automatically: do rm -rf ~/.goldendict.
- If you are interested in English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian or Portuguese lookups, you can download better morphologies for those languages here.
They contain more stems and therefore work better for dictionary lookups. Do not replace your system myspell dictionaries with them - they don't add any new words, just more stems.
Just put them to a separate directory and change morphology path in the program to point to it.
Note that Windows installers already contain some of those files, but source packages don't. The 'En-Ru-En content' package above also includes them.
- If you need a good English dictionary with a clear and free license, get this one, a full version of WordNet 3.0 specially formatted for GoldenDict.